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Unity and Hope Events

Annual Unity and Hope  Mission

Here are the goals of this annual event and what we hope to accomplish:


  1. Fight for freedom of electronic torture and gang-stalking: By working to unite individual victims, whistleblowers, groups and organizations who are all separately fighting for the same cause so we can come together only if once a year to share highlights of projects, initiatives and resources for the community of victims.

  2. Always Include everyone: This is an inclusive conference.  We will never not include a group of individual for any reason including we hear from someone else or through V2K or subliminals they are not who they say they are.  Remember the entire point of the program is misdirection and misinformation.  They will do everything they can to keep us from uniting and organizing.  There is strength in numbers.  We will continue to send letters inviting all that seem active in working to expose these crimes.  If a specific group or individual is not in attendance or participating in the event it is because they choose not be not because they were not invited or encouraged to be.  Anyone who wants to present on a relevant topic to conference deliberations is invited to do so.  Anyone who wants to volunteer in planning the event or volunteer at the event is invited to and encouraged to do so.  We need all the help we can get.  We will still always promote all resources in a fair and balanced way, even from those who choose not to be involved in our events.      

  3. Remain open to the public: We are not just a meeting for targeted individuals although the point is to provide resources and share information for targeted individuals.  We encourage everyone to invite those non-targeted individuals around them.  Please invite your friends and family, physiatrists, lawyers etc.  We need to invite human rights organizations as well as alternative and mainstream media to these events for exposure. 

  4. Always remain a free resource:  This event will never profit a penny off another victim.  Any money collected will only go to the cost of food, lodging or supplies.  We will try to help accommodate even those who cannot afford food and lodging if we can.  Coming together as a community to help those less fortunate get the same resources and information. 

  5. Leave your ego at the door: We are all in this together.  Be respectful of each other’s opinions.  There are many different views and opinions especially around the technology.  We need to give everyone an opportunity to share their opinions.  Constructive criticism and informed debate is strongly encouraged but please do so in a respectful constructive way.  Please do not be abrasive or insulting or call anyone names or a perpetrator because you do not believe what they are sharing.  I feel humility is so important.      

  6. Be respectful of others: Treat those around you as you feel you would like to be treated.  Being confrontational, fighting or being destructive or disrespectful of conference venue or attendees would be the only grounds for being asked to leave. 

  7. Sharing of resources and ideas: We all need to share everyone else’s resources.  Everyone has been doing such great research.  Everyone has written such great books, made such great movies, YouTube videos conference calls and websites if any resource is not included it is only because I don’t know about it.  Please share so it can be included. 

  8. Always participate in everyone else’s efforts and activism endeavors promote everyone else: I encourage everyone to go to everyone’s events, protests, sign every petition, donate to everyone’s endeavors and initiatives when you can, share your stories of victimization of this torture and affidavits with anyone you can and listen to what everyone has to say with an open mind. 

  9. Be logical: In a program that makes no logical sense I strive to think rationally and pragmatically every day.  Many of us are victims of subliminal mind control.  We need to question every thought or emotion that comes in.  Before we act on it we need we need to ask ourselves is this constructive or helpful to myself or those around me or could this be hurtful or destructive to myself or those around me and only do or say what we feel is helpful and constructive to help bring about change and expose these crimes.     

  10. Stay a neutral 3rd party: I will never join any specific group or organization to remain a neutral 3rd party.  This event will never be run by a specific organization and will always invite every group, organization, network or individual who wants a platform to share information and resources they feel will be helpful to others. 

  11. Remember you are not alone: I know this quote is taken from a specific group and the last point was to remain a neutral 3rd party but I feel this is such an important statement.  Individually we can be gas lighted and slandered to appear as though we have a mental illness but together we have so much more strength to fight and strategize for exposure.  Remember we are not targeted individuals, not even a targeted community.  We are an empowered community.  We are empowered with the knowledge of unspeakable crimes against humanity and together we will fight for a better tomorrow for our children, one free of mind control, where they are who they are intended to be organically, where they can think privately in their head, have private moments with their loved ones and won’t be drugged, rapped or tortured in others pursuit of money sex or power.  We are all in this together.  I like to see the good in people and I refuse to believe if people really understood the scope of what was happening that anyone would not want to fight for a better tomorrow their own or all of our children!     

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