Unity and Hope Events

The Conference
Our goal is to bring together as many support groups, media shows, activism groups and organizations of targeted individuals, so we can work together and learn from each other and strategize on solutions to bring about change and end the suffering of hundreds of thousands of victims nationwide. The number of people experiencing electronic harassment and gang-stalking is growing exponentially daily. People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance (PACTS) estimates there are currently 300,000 people being victimized by electromagnetic weapons and neuroweapons, often in combination with implants and covertly administered nanotechnology.
Our hope is to come together, to build, empower and educate the community on technology, resources and support, and as a unified front attempt to educate the public. As a result of this conference, we will be able to strategically fight for freedom and justice for the victims of targeted crimes. The goal of this conference is to unify all the groups worldwide and provide a knowledge and understanding of the program and the technology.
We also strongly encourage targeted individuals to bring friends and family for support and to educate the ones around them on what invisible crimes are being committed against them.

Demonstrating the technology used for psychotronic voice to skull and discussing all known technologies and patents used in the psychological and physical torture of a targeted individual.
Discussing the history of mind control technology and torture used on nonconsensual innocent civilians.
Introducing all current resources available to targeted individuals including conference calls, websites, blogs, social media pages, radio, TV, YouTube, podcast shows and local support group networks.
Discussing activism opportunities, walks, letter writing campaigns, flyers, shirts, awareness campaigns, meetups, rallies and protests and other ways to raise awareness of this growing crime.
Discussing scanning techniques and refer to private investigators who can scan for radio frequency identification, nanomaterials, and similar technologies in individuals.
Discussing counter measures like shielding, psychological support, spiritual support and detox cleanses.
Introducing legal action ideas including, colecting evidence, gathering affidavits and class action law suits.
Discussing symptom survey created for the targeted community and enthusiastically supported by joint organizations with William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe as advisors. This survey is intended to gather demographics, medically diagnosed and undiagnosed symptoms and other information related to what targeted individuals experience
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe
The conference will include live or video presentations from the following key thought
leaders in the targeted individual community:

The conference deliberations will be on the following topics:

Contributions and Support From:
The Red Pill Hard Core Show*PACTS International*Targeted Massachusetts*Ella Free*TIA*Les, London End Stalking*Pinecone Utopia* Citizens Against Harmful Technology*European Coalition Against Covert Harassment

RSVP here for The Public Awareness Walk/Run. (Please note we do not require attendees to RSVP. If you choose not to provide your name that is not a problem, simply show up.)
2017 Unity and Hope Conference